Saturday, January 30, 2010


I recently heard the news of a friend's separation and was going through how I felt about it. Initially there was a pang. We all want happy endings - not our own version of happy ending but what we see in movies, read in fairy tales and come to believe. After I sorted out the pang, I sat down to think about them, which is when I came up with the analogy of trains.

Like trains, or train tracks, we all have a single line - our life. If you have ever travelled in a train, and have seen how the tracks run in and out of each other, you will soon realise how our lives are no different. We all have our main line, we meet several lines that come into ours, and we also part from several lines. The continuous dance of railway lines joining and parting from our track is rather fascinating. You can watch it all day long..

There is nothing unusual about meeting or parting with lines. It is just the way it is. And for the train to run smoothly, the right line has to meet at the right point and also part at the right point. any mistake, we get derailed. There is nothing sad about letting go of lines. They arrived, served a purpose, took us that far in our journey, and now it is time for it to leave, so we may journey forward.

Everyone has their our lines that meet ours at some point and part at other. In the end we all have our our source and our own destination. We simply cross paths. Some of us may share the same source and destination, but we start and end at different times and follow different paths. For example, there are three trains connecting Chennai to Hyderabad. All three start and arrive at different times and completely different tracks. But they all reach the same place.

At the end of the day, all we have is the journey to savour. The joy of travelling and excitement with which we look forward to the destination, while enjoying the journey. So.. Happy Journey! :-)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Experience God..Fall in Love

Stop. Before you laugh over the title and decide to leave this page, just pause. My teacher once said that we can either trash the gyan she gives or just pause for a minute, consider it and then choose to keep it or trash it. So, I ask the same of you. Pause. Consider. Choose.

Many have talked endlessly about the experience of the infinite. We even discussed in class what Peak Experiences mean. According to definition, it is a term used to describe a transpersonal state of immense joy, euphoria and harmony with all. And then, my teacher (Wise One she is), said something. That got me thinking.. how do I get one of those? Have I experienced one of those states that connect me with God?

And then I wrote this..

I see God..

I share a light joke with my dad and see him laugh,
I sit near my mom's feet and hug her legs,
My head in her palm resting on her lap..cheeks against her toiled hands,

My dog cuddles up near me when I least expect,
A friend remembers to bring back a souvenir from his travels,
A cousin calls to say 'Thanks for being there',

I spring out of the couch to open the door for him,
Our noses rub and eyes lock,
And share a smile that conveys what no word can,

The window screens rain drops trickling off mango leaves,
Silent peace that connects a car ride,
Genuine bonds that says 'I'm here for you',

I experience 'ah-ha' moments discovering my Truth,
Feel words are just never enough to share what I feel,
And Gratitude that causes misty eyes.

Love and immense Gratitude.. these are the only two things that I can think of when I look back at my life. Love for those who have nurtured me, smiled and walked with me, loved me and accepted me. Gratitude to them and also those who hurt me for they have, in some twisted way, shaped me. Thank you.

I am no great saint, no great philosopher. But I do know love and can say thanks from the bottom of my heart. So, this is the path that I carve for myself. I believe it has helped me to not just say 'Hello' to God but also hug Him. And I hope someday it will help me become One.